tomorrow evening is gallery walk here in lafayette. i've been cleaning up the studio all week, and it is still a disaster. it'll get there though. it's the first gallery walk of the summer, and i'm hosting an open studio and painting performance at my studio at foam city.
i've been at foam for a little over a year now, and i've made a ton of stuff, and now it's time to clear some space so i can make a ton more stuff. i'm also hoping to convert my studio into a clay space so i can get back to doing ceramics. but to do that i've got to clear some space. so i'm putting everything in the studio on 'get it for way cheap' sale. now is the time to pick up that over-priced piece of art for MUCH less, and in the process you can help me purge some stuff from my work space.
i'm also going to be painting a new mural on my garage door. last year around this time i did the TV/robot mural, but it's time for a change. i'll be using the 'stained glass' stencils and other patterns to create a new piece. i'm going to start it this afternoon, then tomorrow i'll be painting through gallery walk. should be fun to watch. you can see my process in progress, filled with drips, drops, splashes, splotches, stencils and spray cans.
it should be a fun night. there will be old prints and recent prints on paper. there are assemblage paintings. there are large pieces and small pieces. there is some ceramics. there will be stencils on cardboard created while you wait for $10. and you can check out some of my in-progress pieces, like the new recycled village i've been working on.
come join the experience.

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