(in random order ...)
* garden ... our garden took a huge step this year. one of the many surprises was the ornamental peach tree that grew super delicious apricot-sized peaches.
* baseball game ... i took mindy to her first baseball game this year. opening day in cincinnati. there is no other opening day in baseball. it was chilly, we sat in the nosebleeds, and had a great time. can't wait to do it again!
* midwest existential ... county fair was my first attempt at working with film and sound. but midwest existential was my first film, really. i showed it as part of my 'ritz theater' installation in february. it was interesting enough to work with, that i'm in the process of working on a second film using the assemblage village from another series of work.
* Jazz Action Heroes ... spring came with color. and picasso. and a whole lot of other stuff. this mural rocks the lawn at brent's bench on s. 4th st. in lafayette.
* Attica mural ... i was honored to be invited to work on this project. the attica mural was a lot of work. a lot of days. and a lot of planning. but in the end it is one of my favorites. plus i got to use a boom lift for the first time. screw a ladder. this thing is the shit!
* (dis)connect ... at 3rd and romig in lafayette. no one pays attention anymore.
* 5ptz ... thank god i got to see this before it was gone. mindy and i spent a day here in june while waiting on her parents to arrive. in november the entire building was white washed by the owner in an effort to stop the injunctions against demoing the building for high rise luxury condos. RIP 5PTZ.
and the Bushwick collective...on the other side of the city in brooklyn. the whole city is painted up in different places. it is free and fun to explore. screw the museum. go to the street.
* Maine ... the air just tastes different in maine.
* Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago ... i think we hit all the shows this year.
* Arthouse Co-op's sketchbook project/print exchange ... 2 great projects. i did a short film for the sketchbook project, and a layered linoprint for the exchange. speaking of which. i should probably get to work on my sketchbook project for next year.

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