If you've been reading our blog for a while, you're probably already familiar with our friend Pete Brown. Zach reviewed Pete's solo show at the Arts Council in 2012, and later that year, we were constantly constantly writing about and thanking Pete for his help with the SR 43 Robot mural. Pete was also a part of the New Works show at Artists' Own last year. And, just so you know, Pete's an awesome cook. When Pete and his family still lived in town, we were so fortunate to be invited over for dinner every so often!
For Small Spaces, Pete painted three pieces that you can find on Main Street,
the side of the Bernadette's Barbershop wall,
and on the Haywood Printing Company.
We e-mailed Pete a list of 5 Questions, and here are his answers.
1. What is your
background in art?
Oh, I’m
really a hobbyist that got swept up into the glamorous world of art about 6
years ago. My background is in education, I’ve always loved to create and
minored in art in college, but didn’t have ‘real’ plans to use it.
I worked in
a museum for just under a decade in a couple of capacities, and seeing the
different artists pass through and the work they were doing, inspired me to
give it a shot professionally. Sort of an ‘If they can do it, so can I!” sort
of thing.
The rest is
Facebook history I suppose.
2. What is your
(brief) definition of street art?
Street art
is any artwork that was intentionally placed outside so that I can experience
it from the street. I feel that ‘street art’ is an umbrella term for many
sub-forms of art, and that there are many general misconceptions about it. The
more we can get out there, the more we can educate the public!
3. Who are your
influences and inspiration?
Miles is a contemporary artist from Arizona, who happens to also be Apache. He
owns Apache Skateboards and is all over the place; lots of projects. He was the
first artist whose work I was really interested in learning more about. Doug’s
works seemed really accessible to me and were very tied to both the
contemporary and traditional aspects of his culture. He was the reason I first
wanted to explore stenciling. Over the years I’ve been able to spend time with
him and his extended artist crew, and they’ve been very gracious with their
knowledge and are great artists and people. Typing this reminds me that I need
to call him soon…
Beyond that,
I’m very inspired by a host of graffiti artists from around the country, street
artists of all sorts and of course I’ve been inspired by the OG stencil guys that
are huge now; Blek le Rat, Shepard Fairy and Banksy. I’m very interested in
Warhol too; both artistically and as a multifaceted businessman.
4. How do you
think Small Spaces contributes to the art scene in Lafayette?
I think that
SS gives folks like me (folks in their 40s and younger) a reason to explore
downtown and get off Main Street for just a few minutes. It adds an interesting
visual element to some forgotten spaces and through the mapping and mobile app,
really becomes an interactive and engaging way to open the community’s eyes to
more than the typical places they’ve always congregated.
I feel that
there are a handful of pieces in this collection that are going to push the
local artists to strive to become better and that will also attract out-of-towners
to come see what they’ve got going on. This will also, hopefully, attract some
new artists to come through town to create.
NO ONE was
coming to Lafayette to see art before this, but I believe that will change
through this initiative and hopefully subsequent years of Small Spaces will
give folks a reason to return. I also hope that it will inspire some local
businesses to support a more diverse contemporary art scene; perhaps even open
a new gallery or two.
5. Where
(online or otherwise) can we view more of your work?
My work can
be seen at ‘Pete Brown’s Art’ on Facebook
Also my
In person at
my studio/gallery space, 3040 Indie, in Indianapolis

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