this first series of 4 untitled paintings, created in the fall of 2012, shows how these assemblages begin. for these pieces i stopped working on them right after i assembled them. normally, i would then start adding layers of paint and imagery to complete the narrative. these were created in succession and are all about the same size and roughly use elements from some of the same parts and pieces. this is how most of my assemblages look before i add any paint. once i start painting them, i'll focus more on their shapes, surfaces and textures than the actual item itself, but for this series, i was happy with how they looked when they were first constructed. so i only painted a few places, mostly just to balance out the colors. the bits of stenciled pattern that looks like wallpaper were pieces of panel that i had previously painted and used in some other work, but they seemed to match the bible boxes, pepsi boxes and cookie tins appropriately. the vague narratives in these works come from the elements themselves, and can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, leaving that avenue open to the viewer to decide their meanings. hence, all are untitled.

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