ok, so we almost finished up the install today. there's just a few little detail things to complete tomorrow. it's great to be able to show in a space that is within a few blocks of my studio. it allows me to be able to show a lot more work than i would normally be able to fit into one van load.
this installation is really 2 installations shown together in the same space. first there's county fair, then surrounding the walls are the works from my midwest landscapes series of paintings. and don't worry. they're not actually landscape paintings. they're more landscapes in the metaphorical sense of the happenings of a place, namely the midwest.
combining these two bodies of work allowed me to give a bit of atmospheric context to county fair, beyond the blank walls. there are so many things for people to discover in the space. the layers of images, found objects, interactions, videos, textures, materials and everything else begs for one to spend time in the space to take it all in. and i must admit, i may have over done it just a tad. it is quite overwhelming to walk into the space and see every iota of wall space covered and this massive structure illuminating the middle of the floor, but hopefully in a good way. i think people will leave having had a real art experience.

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