
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Garden Update: October 2014

Eggplants and tomatoes in the garden at the end of October. I'm as surprised as you are, considering we've already had a couple of frosty days. I'm guessing the forecasted snow tomorrow night will kill these off, but I'm gonna enjoy them while they last.

Other things we have growing in our garden? We have the usual fall selection of carrots, beets (that are not doing that well), collards, cabbage, broccoli, baby bok choy, and peas.

And this month, because it's been feeling warmer, sunnier, and drier than last month, I got brave and started a round of turnips, radishes, and lettuce.

 The strawberry plants have been fruiting,

and the blueberry bushes are starting to turn this gorgeous hue.

We've brought all the citrus plants, the lemon verbena, and the patchouli into the garage. It's always stressful for us to prep the plants for winter since we never know if they'll come back in the spring. But it's a chance we take and we keep our fingers crossed until the earth starts warming up again.

(Update on October 31) our harvest right before the snowfall:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Small Spaces: 5 Questions with Temre Stanchfield

Temre Stanchfield's first piece for Small Spaces was this shadow of a tree painting on the side of the Haywood Printing building. When we shared it on Facebook, it was wildly popular and very well-received. Everyone who has seen it makes an effort to tell us how much they like this piece. Perhaps it's because this painting is quiet and blends so well into the environment. It doesn't yell for your attention the way more colorful pieces do. Either way, it's become a local favorite. If you'll like to see more of Temre's work, pop into Artists' Own or follow her online here. She also has a webpage which you'll find below.

temre stanchfield

For the project, Temre also painted this piece on the side of Bernadette's Barbershop,

small spaces lafayette

as well as this piece, which was a collaboration with her two kids, on the alley by T-Bird Engineering.

temre stanchfield

We handed her a list of 5 Questions, and here are her answers!

What is your background in art?
I have been creating things all of my life.  I finally realized that I could choose this as a job when I was in my early 20’s.  I did complete my BA in fine arts and later my MFA at University of Arizona in Tucson.

Where do you get your inspiration and style?
I am inspired by the earth and the seasons and nature’s monumental presence in our lives every day.  I grew up in a very small village in Alaska and there was something about that monumental view of nature that is a part of me wherever I go.

What does being involved with Small Spaces mean to you?
It’s been a privilege to be a part of Small Spaces.  I’m glad that Small Spaces is introducing public art to the community in this new, fresh, sometimes controversial way.  I typically paint on canvas– so to explore this medium on public walls and spaces has been really refreshing.  Making art on the buildings in the street is exhilarating in how the artwork connects to community in such an immediate and direct way.  I was able to do a collaborative piece with my kids as well and that was such a treat.  I love what children create and it is wonderful when I can integrate that into my own work.

What are 5 words to describe the role an artist plays in society?
Thinker, innovator, visionary, muse, craftsperson.

Where (online or otherwise) can we view more of your work?

p.s. If you enjoy our "Small Spaces: 5 Questions" series, don't miss our interviews with Aaron Bumgarner, Lisa Wicka, Pete Brown, Christopher Robinette, Craig Tribble, Bethany Hohman, Carrie Wing, Joanne Titolo, and Aaron Molden!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Excursion to Chicago

yesterday mindy and i woke up to the banging, scraping, and pounding of the installation of a new roof.  so we checked out and went to chicago for the day.  we had never been to logan square to wander around, so that's where we started.

bear champ

bear champ

then we made our way to west town and ukranian village to Yuzu for lunch, then to pilsen.




bear champ

a fun day wandering through the neighborhoods turned up some fun pieces.  we found plenty of bear champ and lefthanded wave and few penny pinch stickers and paste ups....but we just love the wall on 16th st. at's such a fun little walk...i recommend it to anyone interested in street art...and then stop off of 18th st. and grab yourself some super good mexican food at any of the fine pilsen establishments.

p.s. click here to check out pieces we found on our last excursion to Chicago!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Small Spaces: 5 Questions with Aaron Molden

Small Spaces artist and Lafayette native Aaron Molden was thrust into the national spotlight in late August, after his "riot cop" piece was removed by the city. For better or worse, this is probably the image most people now associate with Molden's work. I know he has ideas for other pieces, and I can't wait till he puts them up!

For Small Spaces, Molden also pasted up drawings of animals on the Lafayette Printing Company,

and a portrait of a smiling Kurt Vonnegurt.

I had Molden participate in "5 Questions," and here are his answers.

In addition to making art, Molden is also a prolific writer. Visit his blog to read some of his writings.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Small Spaces: 5 Questions with Joanne Titolo

Two of the newest pieces for Small Spaces are located on N. 6th Street. 

Artist Joanne Titolo produced two pieces of stark contrast: the piece up high is a painting of rocks, and the piece on street level is an installation of soft, white feathers.

Zach and I requested for Joanne to participate in our "5 Questions" series, and here are her answers.

1. What is your background in art?
I have a BA in fine art with a focus in painting, but continue to expand my knowledge. 

2. What other media do you work in besides what you are doing for Small Spaces?
I now work in metals, both precious and base, natural and found objects, and pit fired clay.

3. Where do you get your inspiration and style?
My inspirations come from the natural world and it's many forms. My style has evolved over the years. 
4. Is there a message you are trying to get across with your art?
 I don't consciously try to make messages. I just work.
5. Where (online or otherwise) can we view more of your work?
I have a studio in Battle Ground, IN, show in Artists' Own Gallery in Lafayette, IN,  and can be found on the web at