Wednesday, March 12, 2014

from the studio: 3.12.14

It snowed 3 inches early this morning. But by the afternoon, the sun was out and everything had melted off. It was still too cold to venture out so I spent most of the day printing tote bags in the studio.

artists' own

zmedceramics zach medler etsy

Zach cut me some new apple blocks ...

letter blocks say what

so we taped off a giant apple on a tote bag, and I started collaging.

zmedceramics etsy

End results?

zach medler artists' own

A honey crisp bag,

zach medler artists' own

and a green granny smith one!

1 comment:

JuanitaTortilla said...

Didn't realise you taped to create the apple shape. Nice!

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