
Friday, March 14, 2014

{Five for Friday} Turning Cardboard into Art

When it comes to art materials, Zach is often times of the idea that the cheaper they are, the better. So he frequently works with recycled and/or found materials.

Last year, Zach's mom saved us a sizable stash of cardboard. When Zach got his hands on them, they immediately turned into panels for his Art from Where You Live installation at Athens Gallery, and then into roboxes. I was curious to see how else cardboard has been transformed into art, so I did a little rooting around on Etsy. Here are 5 great examples ...

A functional cuckoo clock

Beautiful cardboard pendant lighting

Or a cardboard lamp instead?

A colorful cardboard necklace

A fun cardboard play washer and dryer! This one also reminded me of Caine's Arcade.


  1. It's amazing the amount of creativity that comes when dealing with found and recycled materials. These picks are gorgeous, I especially love the cardboard washer and dryer, so nice for kids.

  2. Thanks so much for including my work in your post! The other projects look great too.

  3. Those are wonderful items. I especially love that clock!
