The garden theme for July has got to be "bountiful and beautiful." This month, we've been reaping the rewards of our hard work. The garden is flourishing and providing us with lots good food. We are spending less at the grocery store and eating a whole lot better, which makes us really, really happy.
There are always tomatoes,
clusters of okra flower |
and peppers waiting to be picked.
(L to R: jalapeno, thai dragon chili, serrano) |
The eggplant takes a little longer, but they seem to be doing good too.
And as a special surprise, the wild strawberries that we planted in the spring, have flowered and sprung some mini fruits too!
This month, we've also taken note of the many flowers on our cucumber plant (so far we've harvested one delicious cucumber!),
and that our roma tomatoes are finally changing color.
And we planted beets and more carrots in anticipation of fall.
We'll wait and see what happens in August!