Today is also the second day of the Indiana Artisan Marketplace; the first day the show is open to the public. The crowds that came gathered well before 10am. They were a spirited group in search of a deal. We stayed busy for most of the day, but whenever we had a chance, we went around handing out more questionnaires and collecting the ones that were done.
In this blog post, we'll be featuring interviews with an Indiana potter and a foodist from Kentucky.

Kristy Jo Beber Stoneware Pottery
Kristy Jo Beber is an Indiana potter we got acquainted with through Facebook. We finally met her in person when she did the Round the Fountain Art Fair in Lafayette (Indiana) last year. Kristy does a ton of art fairs in the summer and you can keep up with her show schedule on her website and on Facebook. You can also find much of her work at The Orchard Gallery in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This is Kristy's first year at the show. Please stop by her booth (421) if you come to the show tomorrow!
Now their answers ...
What's your least favorite customer question?
Kathy: Are they both the same?
Kristy: What's this for (about a bowl, etc.) You wouldn't think a bowl would need an explanation.
Do you work in any other media besides what you have here today?
Kathy: No. We only do one! Howard's Creek Authentic Beer Cheese!
Kristy: I like to dabble in a little bit of everything but clay keeps me quite busy. i did create a 2nd body of work last spring, more colorful and whimsical ... but still clay ...
If you could write a recipe for your artwork, what would the ingredient list read like?
1. Howard's Creek Authentic Beer Cheese
2. Put on favorite fresh or cooked vegetable and devour!
3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until satisfied!
1. mud + fire: 50% each
2. add swirls, dots, circles, and trees to taste
3. enjoy forever and ever
What are your thoughts on "art" vs. "product"? What about "craft" vs. "art"?
Kathy: Howard's Creek is our product, but it's an art to make! Howard's Creek Authentic Beer Cheese is a crafted artisan cheese.
Kristy: art is ART! "Product" sounds so impersonal ... mass produced.
(As for "craft" vs. "art") Oh boy! I think the word "craft" now has negative connotations because of the items at school and church "craft bazaars" ... flowers glued to a headband, etc.
How do you deal with artist's block?
Kathy: I eat more Howard's Creek Authentic Beer Cheese.
Kristy: I have shows lined up and know I NEED to make work all the time. Just being in the studio so many hours forces the creativity. I do enjoy visiting galleries/museum shows and try to do so at least once a month.
What do you do to pass time in your booth?
Kathy: Answer questionnaires like this while I eat Howard's Creek Authentic Beer Cheese and laugh a lot!!!!
Kristy: I am a total people watcher!
Zach will be posting interviews with the members and consignment artists of Artists' Own tomorrow. Al Knight, Sara Van Kooten Vanderkleed, Mary Thomas Firestone, Mark Needham, Lisa Hopkins, and Karen Hampton are all at the Marketplace too so stop by and see them as well!