
Friday, January 2, 2015

{Five for Friday} 5 New Books to Start the Year

We picked up 5 new books to start off the new year with.

If you've seen our bookshelves lately, you know we really don't have room for more books. Maybe something like a Kindle might be better for us. But the truth is, nothing, absolutely nothing, can beat the feel, the smell, and the weight of a book in hand. No room on the bookshelf? No big deal. We'll just have to double stack!

These are the 5 books we chose:

Fermented Vegetables by Kirsten Shockey and Christopher Shockey
This one is a Christmas gift from Zach's mom. She knows we love kitchen experiments, so this book just ups the game for us! Zach is currently fermenting a small batch of cabbage for sauerkraut. I can't wait to see how that turns out!

Miss Lonelyhearts & The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West
Two novels about the decay of the American society. Nihilistic, prophetic, depressing. Intriguing.

The Shape of the Journey and In Search of Small Gods by Jim Harrison
Poetry books by the legendary Jim Harrison. These will stay bedside, because poems are great bedtime reads!

Farm City by Novella Carpenter
 ... because Zach and I dream about having our own farm someday, and this book will help make those dreams a tad more vivid!

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