
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Art House Co-op: Print Exchange 2014

zach medler linocut block print

art house co-op zach medler

The Art House Co-op's (Sketchbook Project) Print Exchange 2014 project is due at the end of the month. Yesterday, Zach finally got around to carving his block. The theme is "Let This Be A Sign," and this is what he came up with:

zach medler linocut block print


zach medler linocut

zach medler print exchange

And as an added commentary on the state of industrial farming and the consumerist nature/culture of our food, he cheekily made his prints on torn up Whole Foods bags. I love it.

zach medler print exchange

I can't wait to see all the prints we'll receive this year!

zach medler print exchange

p.s. check out the print Zach made for last year's project.
p.p.s. check out the prints we received from 2013 here!

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