
Saturday, April 6, 2013

10 things other than the NCAA Final Four

Can you believe it's April already? There's spring in the air and a spring in my footsteps. Back in February, I made a list of 10 things to do (other than watch the Super Bowl). If you are not a basketball fan, here's another list of 10 things you can do this weekend!

Work in the garden! It's spring planting time. If you start sowing now, you'll have plenty of fruits, vegetables, and flowers to enjoy in the coming months. SproutRobot tells you what to plant according to your zipcode!

Still on the topic of plants, use them to pretty up your iPhone! Here's a DIY tutorial.

Go to your local art museum. The Indianapolis Museum of Art has a special exhibition on Ai Weiwei that we can't wait to see! Most art museums also have classes and workshops that you can take to wake your inner creativity!

Meet Matteo Walch and his marmot friends. They will melt your heart.

Zach spent the latter part of this week painting and installing his new show at Athens Studio and Gallery in Crawfordsville. If you live in the area, drop in and contribute to the community mural!

Re-tie your shoelaces!

We shared this coloring project a couple of days ago. Here's more coloring for adults!

Make burnt caramel pudding, then eat burnt caramel pudding.

Spring clean your closet. I say this as a reminder to myself. It's time to put away all the fluffy wool sweaters. This website has some pretty good tips!

Watch baseball. Yes, for real. I don't even like sports and I think baseball is cool.

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