
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

moving pictures

my show at bear's mill comes down soon. that installation was a wrapping up of 2012 for me, and felt like the culmination of a long year without clay (yes, i miss clay very much). in fact, i would say that i've basically disappeared in the last 6 weeks. i haven't been at the studio much. i haven't made much of anything really (other than playing around with the sketchbook project). i've mostly been dabbling around with media i don't know that well, moving images, music and soundscapes. my next show will be a local exhibit at my co-op gallery.

 i will be re-designing my midwestern landscapes installation to fit our space at Artists' Own and i've invited 2 other artists (Craig Martin and Pete Brown) to be apart of this exhibition. it should be a really interesting show for folks here in lafayette; something very different from what they typically see in our local galleries. and beyond our own individual works and a collaborative mural installation, i am hoping to have a new short film completed. mindy is an exceptional photographer with a penchant for lo-fi production qualities, and i've been animating and drawing on top of her photographs (and many of my own also). my hope is that when complete, this short film will have an updated 'waiting for godot' contemporary existential aesthetic using the landscape of the midwest as the rock and the tree. the lo-fi photo and my lo-fi animation seem to work very well together and i'm excited to see what the end product will resemble. there's no soundtrack yet, but check out this initial clip:


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