
Monday, April 2, 2012

IAM: The Wrap Up

The Indiana Artisan Marketplace was the perfect place to meet new people and meet up with old customers and even older friends.

Zach and Justin

Zach had a great visit with his old friend, Justin Vining. Justin, himself a painter, had told us we needed to connect with Terry Armstrong who was also showing at the Marketplace so of course we went to Terry with a questionnaire. Justin will be at the Broad Ripple Art Fair in Indianapolis on May 19 and 20. Check out his work here, and visit him at the show.

Terry is a multi-talented painter from Warsaw, Indiana.

Greatly influenced by visits to his grandparents' Indiana farm and the natural beauty of the area, Terry uses the spontaneity of watercolor, dry brush, and egg tempera to capture the true essence of the Midwest. His work has captured many honors, among which are the People's Choice Awards and Best of Show in numerous art exhibits. See more of Terry's paintings on this website.

Our second interviewee was our neighbor at the Marketplace so we got plenty of opportunities to talk to her and learn about her work. Donna Shortt, is an accomplished painter who works in pastels and oils. Several of her plein air paintings are included in the 2013 book Painting Indiana III: Dignity of Place

Donna's recent accomplishments include a Purchase Award from the Indiana State Museum in 2008 and a Best of Show Greenfield Will Vawter Show and in the Madison Art Club Member Show. She's on Facebook, and has her own blog here.

And here are their answers ...

What's your least favorite customer question?
1. Those paintings look like photographs.
2. How long to paint that?
3. Why do they cost this much?
Donna: How long did it take you to do that?

Do you work in any other media besides what you have here today?
Terry: egg tempera
Donna: oil painting

If you could write a recipe for your artwork, what would the ingredient list read like?
Terry: Bolder, more intense use of transparent watercolor; images that evoke some emotion or memory; strong illuminations, light source; combination of tight realism and abstraction.
Donna: pastel painting for a crowd -- one firm foundation of color, light layers of warm and cool flavors, top with generous spread of soft pastel (icing on top!).

What are your thoughts on "art" vs. "product"? What about "craft" vs. "art"?
Terry: with assembly line production you lose the fun of creating! There is a fine line between craft and art, especially when the craft is very, very high end.
Donna: art is "original," product is repetitious. 
(craft vs. art) Craft is light and fun. Art is serious and forever.

How do you deal with artist's block?
Terry: Travel, visit museums, experiment with your medium with no real subject in mind.
Donna: never had it!

What do you do to pass time in your booth?
Terry: Try to rope customers in from the aisle, discuss the show and talk art with our neighbors.
Donna: Fill out this form. Just talk to anyone! 


That's the end of the interviews and the Marketplace. We've had a lot of fun reading the responses and learning about our fellow artists and foodists. We hope you enjoyed this series as well.

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