
Monday, April 2, 2012

IAM: Artists and Foodists Part 3

Artists' Own is located at 518 Main Street, Lafayeyte, Indiana

artists' own is a co-op gallery in downtown lafayette, of which i'm proud to be a member of.  we have 24 members and a number of consigners, several of whom were represented at the IAM this weekend. We handed out questionnaires and these are answers from Al Knight, Sara Vanderkleed, and consigner Mark Needham.

Al Knight is a self-taught photographer. Born at the start of world war II, Al’s perspective as an artist has been shaped by the contrasting periods of economic difficulty and prosperity through which he has lived. Life has taught him to help the less fortunate, to do his part and to never throw anything out because he may need it in the future. these messages have inspired him to portray ordinary items as pieces of interest rather than junk. Photography is Al’s outlet for passing these messages to others. 
View Al's website here.

Al's booth at the Marketplace

Jewelry artist, Mark Needham, is a juried member of the kentucky crafted program. Mark was educated as an architect and his designs often reflect a formal exploration of basic forms and pleasing proportions with elegantly simple Scandinavian, Japanese, Dutch and German influence. Mark has participated in the Louisville, KY arts scene for over thirty years, exhibiting photography, drawings, sculpture, and graphic design as well as jewelry. Check out his work here.

 Sara Vanderkleed pursued her curiosity about watercolor by taking a painting class at a community center in the mid-1990s. the class awakened her love for painting, and she has been practicing the craft ever since. sara began by painting watercolor landscapes and florals, as the indiana countryside was an early influence in her growth as an artist. she has since progressed to a more contemporary abstract style and has added other media to her paintings. 
Sara's booth at the Marketplace where she was doing demos all weekend long.
now onto their answers ...

What's your least favorite customer question?
Al: 1. Did you take these pictures? 2. It must be nice to be able to write off your travel expenses. 3. Can you show me how to work my camera?
Mark: What are they? What did it use to be?
Sara: How long did that take? My favorite question (recently) -- Which is your most important piece?

Do you work in any other media besides what you have here today?
Al: No.
Mark: graphic design, illustration in several media, photography

If you could write a recipe for your artwork, what would the ingredient list read like?
Al: a little light, a place to stand, a unique point of view, look around a lot, make several batches.
Be prepared to throw out 99 for each 100 you create. Serve at art shows. Plan for leftovers.
Mark: aluminum, trim to shape, mix in gemstones, minerals, glass or found objects, season with resin or other fixatives. Finish with care and present well.
Sara: quiet, solitude, margins in my life, paper, paint, pencil.

What are your thoughts on "art" vs. "product"? What about "craft" vs. "art"?
Al: From my point of view, I offer a product. But I am in business only if the customer feels that they are buying art.
Mark: Multiples are product. Singles are art. 
("craft" vs. "art") Typically craft is useful and art is decorative. Fine craft is useful and decorative. Beauty and excellence in execution are essential elements in both.

How do you deal with artist's block?
Al: Review my old images and look at them from another size or crop. Talk to people who say "you should look this up!"
Mark: Never had it.

What do you do to pass time in your booth?
Al: 1. Answer blog questions for my friend. 2. Wonder around in a counter-clockwise circle.
Mark: Sketch new work, read about gemstone or other books. Play iPod games.
Sara: Work, doodle, paint, watch people, Facebook, read.


Thank you for keeping up with the Indiana Artisan Marketplace (IAM) series of posts. Stay tuned for the last interview featuring painters Terry Armstrong and Donna Shortt. We'll also be doing an overview of our experience at the show.

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