Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Holidays!

For the holiday season this year, Zach and I received the best gift ever. 

Our baby girl, Sage, arrived safe and sound on December 16 after a challenging third trimester. Our hearts are filled with more love than we thought capable. Our time, on the other hand, is filled with feeding schedules, dirty diapers, and just about everything besides sleep. We're taking the rest of the year off to get further acquainted with our new bundle of joy. See you in the new year! :)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

from the studio: 12.10.15

Zach is spending a little time in the studio experimenting with shapes, colors, and patterns while we wait for this baby to arrive.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Custom Order Assemblages

zach medler art

The holiday season is upon us! If you're wanting to gift something personal and handmade, consider commissioning a one of a kind assemblage made from your own unique collection of stuff. Zach uses anything from pages off of old magazines, newspapers, photographs, broken instruments, fabric odds and ends, empty containers, kitchen utensils, furniture parts, etc. Make an appointment to meet with him and discuss different options. Prices are negotiable and the turnaround time is typically around a week. See more examples of Zach's assemblages on Facebook, or Instagram. You can also send him a message on either site, or find him at his studio at 210B N. 6th Street in downtown Lafayette.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

bunch of bunny buttons

In addition to the Christmas collage buttons, I also made a bunch of bunny buttons ...

because who doesn't like jumping bunnies and confetti? :)

Huggie Monster!!!

p.s. If you'd like one too, these one of a kind stuffies by Heather Vanderkleed can be found at Artists' Own!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Tree Collage Buttons

To celebrate the festive season, I made a whole bunch of one of a kind collaged Christmas tree buttons!

These will work great as stocking stuffers, or as gift tags. Stop in Zach's studio to pick up some during Dickens of a Christmas today! :)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Dickens of a Christmas!

We will be open during Dickens of a Christmas. If you are going to be downtown tomorrow for the festivities, stop in and say hi! This will be a great time to pick up handmade gifts at a discounted price. In addition, Zach is also taking orders for custom assemblages. So you know all those knick knacks, odds and ends that you have laying around the house? Box them up and bring them with you! He will be happy to make you a personalized painting at an affordable price.

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