
Friday, December 23, 2016

Poor neglected blog.

Our poor neglected blog. We had a busy year and this blog should have been bustling with posts, but instead, we just left it sitting. 

As I write this, our daughter just turned one, we have been living at our new house for five months, our new bountiful garden is covered in snow, our new studio is in the process of being put together, and we are preparing to celebrate Christmas! Things have not slowed down one bit. I thought I'd put together monthly review/highlights posts to chronicle our favorite moments from each month. One month a day, from now to the end of the year. That's only 6 posts (starting from July) in one week. Surely I can do that, right? ;)

So bear with us while we regroup and rethink how to best utilize this space for 2017. If you are still reading, thank you so much. We appreciate you!

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