
Friday, April 29, 2016


There are so many decisions to make regarding the new house, but I decided on a paint color for our living space and kitchen really quickly. White. After living with a colorful space for the last ten years, I wanted the new place to feel like a breath of fresh air. I wanted it white and light, clean and bright. 

As for what shade of white ... now that was a slightly more challenging decision to make. You'd have thought white is white, but in reality, white ranges from warm to cold, from creamy to stark. We went with Alabaster from Sherwin Williams. I am only on the first coat, but I'm loving it already!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Laying down roots

We have been looking at houses intermittently for a few years now, just casually browsing and dreaming of a place where we can have a real garden for all kinds of food and flowers, have a studio to do ceramics again, and room to host visiting family and friends. We want something that can grow with us, and allow us the space and time to work and play together.

assemblage painting

The search took on a more serious tone about a month before the baby was due. People told us babies don't take up a lot of space but the stuff that come along with, do. We didn't have a baby shower, so we thought we were pretty much in control of our purchases. We didn't go crazy buying a whole bunch of baby gadgets and furniture. Yet, what little we ended up with still proved to be more than our current little house can handle.

My nesting instincts were raging. So we met with a realtor and started house hunting. We looked and we looked and we looked some more but our choices were limited and the right place proved hard to come by. It didn't help that we were doing this in the midst of cold, gloomy, downright dreary days. This was typical of the real estate market in the winter months, our realtor told us.

assemblage painting

And then spring happened. The sun came out, the flowers bloomed and everything came back to life. A few days ago, Zach and I found the place that we want. It's a little house on a hill, situated on a nice size property where we can have a garden, a studio, and room outside for the kiddo to grow, roam, and play safely. We are beyond excited to start this new phase of our lives and to feel like we're finally laying down some roots. There's still a little bit of work to do before we can move but I couldn't wait to share the happy news.

Wish us luck on our new adventure!

Saturday, April 16, 2016


TAP for TAF is an annual fundraising event for the Tippecanoe Arts Federation. Zach participates every year to paint, drink (of course!), and mingle.

Here are two of the pieces he did this afternoon:

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Geode show

The weather is finally nice again so it's the perfect time to be outside. If you live in the area and want to see some really cool art, our friend, Esteban Garcia, Maxwell Carlson, Jorge Garcia, and Aaron Zernack are doing a light and sound show live on the John T. Meyers Pedestrian Bridge this Friday evening from 8:00pm onwards. Zach has been helping them with the setup and he promises that it is worth attending!

We'll be there, and we'll be taking the little one who seems to be really interested in twinkling lights right now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Talkin' & Testifyin'

Zach and I have a busy week ahead. I am giving a Talkin' & Testifying' lecture on campus tomorrow, there is a live art performance on Friday, and TAP for TAF is on Saturday. My lecture is free and open to the public, so if you want to come join in the conversation on contemporary race relations and the evolution of race stereotypes, I'd love to see and hear from you!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Five for Friday: 5 Gesture Drawings

Experimenting on the pages of my sketchbook and on the studio wall ...

Friday, April 1, 2016

from the studio: 04.01.16

a 'lil something from the sketchbook: