
Thursday, March 31, 2016

from the studio: 03.31.16

Free form abstraction ... something new and *gasp* nonrepresentational.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

spring forsythia

Gray and gold one day,

blue and gold another ...

Monday, March 28, 2016

Block Printing Onesies

I brought fabric markers to my friend Corrinne's house last Friday, and her kids and I colored a couple of shirts and onesies for the baby. 

The next day, I badgered Zach to cut a couple of new blocks ...

We printed up the remaining onesies, and made a few to send to a dear friend who's expecting. It was super fun!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

from the studio: 03.20.16

Detail of a new painting based on Edward Hopper's Nighthawks.

Friday, March 18, 2016

{Five for Friday} A new assemblage in 5 pictures

Working on a jazz band assemblage made of busted instruments, toys, and found objects.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

the 5km walk

Yesterday I learned that a 5km leisure walk can quickly turn into a tedious workout when you are pushing a stroller up and down hills. 

But I also learned you can never get tired of the beautiful sunshine and fresh air of a spring-like day at the end of winter.

Best work to date ...

Zach has also been baby wearing (because it is such an awesome thing to do!) in the evenings when he watches the baby. But instead of crocheting with her, he draws.

Last night, we shared this picture of him and the baby on Facebook. It has since garnered over a hundred "likes," leaving Zach to wonder if she is more popular than his art. I guess we'll never know for sure. The only thing I am pretty certain of, is that she is his best work to date ...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hooks and Needles

My midwife encouraged me to knit/crochet in my third trimester when I was struggling to keep my blood pressure in check. She said it is a good way to quiet the mind and have something productive to do while on bedrest. But I could never do it. I was too anxious to sit still. Now that a large part of my day involves caring for a screaming, crying infant, I NEED to relax. So I've dug out the good old hooks and needles once more. 

When the baby starts to fuss, I stick her in the wrap and it soothes her in minutes. That thing works like magic! And when she calms down enough to take a nap, I curl into my plush recliner (with her still in the wrap!) and go to work. Baby items are the perfect small projects! I choose the ones that are quick, easy, and monotonous. I started off knitting, but those long needles were a little cumbersome to maneuver. I kept hitting the baby in the head with them and she was not happy. So after working on 3 little hats, I decided that crocheting was the way to go. 

work in progress ... something pastel for Easter!

So far, I've completed 6 projects and I am obsessed. I dream about yarn. I skipped a birthday party so I could stay home alone to crochet. I look for patterns on my phone when I am feeding the baby in the middle of the night. I can't wait to do more! I know it sounds crazy, but hey, at least the babe will have warm and toasty outfits for next winter, right?

Friday, March 11, 2016

Happy Friday!

The weather was so wonderful today, so after the baby woke from her late morning nap, we drove downtown to visit Zach at his studio. We were greeted by this giant bird when we walked through the door. I thought it looks pretty cool, so I'm sharing it here!

Have a lovely weekend!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Garden Season 2016

The weather has been super springy this week. We've had lots of rain and some pretty days with highs in the 60s. Since it's already March, Zach and I decided that it is time to start thinking about the impending gardening season and start some seeds!

We picked up a bunch of new seeds ...

dug out some of our old ...

and went to work!

Zach also uncovered all the plants that we've been sheltering from the cold.

The strawberries are already growing! We hope the baby loves strawberries. It looks like we'll have plenty this year! :)