
Sunday, May 17, 2015

a long time coming

this past saturday was the end of mindy's student career as she donned her cap and gown and walked the procession of graduation at Purdue University. she's EARNED her PhD in American Studies and will be an Alain Locke visiting scholar next year. Her tireless research, interdisciplinary approach and quizzical mind has produced a work that redefines the place of Norman Lewis in art history, civil rights, and philosophy, and her work will certainly have an effect on the way future generations think about abstract expressionism and how artists on the fringe of the movement can/should be included and excluded at the same time.

her parents arrived from singapore last week to see the culmination of her past decade of hard work.  they told me that since she was a little girl, she said she was going to be a doctor. and now she is. we sat toward the back of the auditorium, and watched as she approached the stage, was hooded by the director of the graduate school and shook the hand of Purdue president mitch daniels (aka mitchy mouse).

and that was that. she is officially Dr. Tan, and i'm so proud of her. it was a long road to get to this point and we are ready to start a new chapter in our lives.

keep an eye out for her insightful essays in upcoming exhibition catalogues and conferences!

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