
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Recipe of the Week: Chicken and Corn Egg Drop Soup

Here's another recipe to help use up your fresh summer harvests of sweet corn, tomatoes, and green onions!

This is one of Zach's favorite soups. It is quick and easy to make, and a really great late summer treat when you can use fresh produce instead of canned corn and store-bought tomatoes.

1 chicken breast, sliced thinly
4 cups chicken broth (or corn stock, see pic. below)
2-3 eggs (your preference), whisked
3 cups of sweet corn kernels
2 tomatoes, diced
1/4 cup green onions, sliced thinly
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp Shaoxing wine (optional)
salt and pepper, to taste

In a medium pot, bring chicken broth to a boil.
Add chicken. Lower the heat to medium when chicken is cooked through.
Add corn and cook for 5 minutes.
Pour the egg into the soup in a steady stream while stirring.
Add tomatoes, cook an additional couple of minutes.
Just before serving, add Shaoxing wine, sesame oil, and season with salt and pepper.
Serve topped with green onions.

Chicken Corn Egg Drop SoupWe bought sweet corn at the farmers' market and froze the kernels for future use. Not wanting to waste the corn cobs, I decided to make my own stock! This recipe is loosey goosey for a reason. You can tweak it to accommodate the amount of vegetables you have on hand, or adjust it freely to make any amount you wish. Your stock should last about a week in the refrigerator. You can freeze the rest to use later.

To make corn stock:
Save at least a dozen corn cobs after you have taken the kernels off.
In a stock pot, add enough water to cover corn cobs, 2 medium onions (halved), about half a dozen carrots and some celery.
If you have additional vegetables, you can also add them. I used leeks, 3 cloves of garlic, some cremini mushrooms, and a handful of goji berries.
Make an herb bouquet with parsley and thyme, and add it to the pot as well.
Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for at least 1 hour.

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