
Friday, August 29, 2014

{Five for Friday} 5 New Pieces for Small Spaces

After the controversy from earlier this week, painting and pasting for Small Spaces resumed today! Here are 5 new pieces to look out for the next time you are downtown ...

mitch austin
Mitchell Schuring @ TBird Engineering on the corner of 10th and Columbia
aaron bumgarner
Aaron Bumgarner @ Lafayette Printing Company.
Check out Aaron's Tiny Places project for the city of West Lafayette!
lisa wicka
Lisa Wicka @ Lafayette Printing Company
jeri foley
Jeri Foley @ Lafayette Printing Company
craig tribble
Craig Tribble @ Lafayette Brewing Company. Craig did 2 pieces at this location. 

p.s. If you'd like to keep up with Small Spaces, follow the project on Facebook!

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