
Saturday, April 5, 2014

TAP at TAF 4.5.14

finally we had a break in the weather today.  it's been raining and cold and nasty for the past week.  today was TAP at TAF, and i was part of the entertainment.  it wasn't exactly AT TAF.  it was on the top of one of the cities parking garages.  and the view was awesome.  i painted these 2 panels during the event, chatted lots, and tried out some new ideas with some old images.  i freehanded the whole thing...the wind was not exactly cooperating, and stencils would have been a pain in the ass.  so i went spray can freehand.  it was fun.  i learned a lot working in the waves of the river and stacking colors to get the city.  it's hard to use spray paint on a small surface, but i think i picked up a few little layering tricks, especially in the river.

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