
Friday, December 13, 2013

Snow is coming!

Happy Friday the 13th! Hope yours has been a lucky day so far.

It's been bitterly cold and grey here the last couple of days. My dad and mom were contemplating leaving warm and toasty Singapore to spend their Christmas with us, but I think the weather is causing my dad to think twice! It finally got above freezing today, which is really exciting news except for the winter weather advisory I keep seeing on tv. It looks like we're going to be hit with 5-7 inches of snow overnight. I don't mind it one bit. I'm notorious for loving this crazy winter season! Besides, Zach and I have been to the store already, and we are well-stocked and ready. As long as the power doesn't go out, we are happy campers!

But before the snow gets here, we spent our morning embarking on different projects. Zach went down to his studio at Foam City to work on a couple of paintings. While waiting for the paint to dry, he updated the mural on the garage door. As a fan of snow, I think the new piece is totally cool! Check it out:

zach medler mural

I'm guessing this mural will be up till spring gets here. Aerosol paint and cold temps just don't gel well.


  1. Last winter was mild compared to this one. My parents came last year, they regretted the decision after 2 days.

  2. well, at least you're in chicago and they have plenty to do. now imagine living in the middle of nowhere ... on a different note, i'm so excited for you that you get to go home soon! have a safe trip!

    p.s. do you refer to singapore as "home" too when you are in the states, and then refer to the states as "home" when you are in singapore? i do!

  3. I do! And I confuse the heck out of people about which home I am referring to but it's so natural to me. Home is Singapore when I am here and Home is here when I am in Singapore. It's so obvious! I am glad you get that!

    I am so excited to get out of this cold for a couple of weeks and I have been salivating for Nasi Lemak for a while now. Of course, must have my "bread and butter" Chai Tao Kway the moment I land.

    I believe you may have a bigger house than I do -- imagine being cooped in 1200 SQ FT for two to three months with 3 people (sometimes 4 depending on who else is visiting).

  4. haha! so nice to know i am not alone :)

    we live in a tiny condo so i know exactly what you're talking about! when my parents are here, zach retreats to the garage (where he has the print studio), my dad hogs the couch (and the tv) in the living room, and my mom buzzes around the rest of the place (she usually lands in the kitchen!). i don't mind being cooped up but it drives zach nuts! and they're just here for a week at most! i can't imagine 2-3 months ...

    well, now i have to figure out how to make some nasi lemak for dinner this week. it sounds soooooo good! :)

  5. I haven't figured it out. The canned coconut milk doesn't pack the same punch and the pandan is also not as fragrant. So, you can what smells like nasi lemak but it doesn't taste the same and is too oily because of the canned coconut milk. Now, don't even get me started on the sambal! The rest of the ingredient is sort of a cake walk if those two can be figured out. Good luck!
