
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Garden Update: September 2013

September's harvest continues to be bountiful! Our goal for the next couple of weeks is to save as much of this harvest as we can. And to that end, we've been canning, pickling, dehydrating, and freezing. 

The beets that we planted at the end of July and the radishes and turnips that were sowed just 3 weeks ago are ready! Zach is on a pickling kick so we are pickling all of these root veggies.

As for the remaining cherry tomatoes,

they are best in dehydrated form. Dehydrating help keeps all of the sweetness of the tomatoes. And Zach has found that they have a great consistency that is useful in making tomato paste.

As for the peppers,

we are freezing the sweet bell varieties, dehydrating half of the hot peppers, and pickling the other half. 

The herbs are, for the most part, still going strong. The chives are even blossoming! We dehydrate the woodier varieties (oregano, thyme, etc.), and freeze the tender ones in oil (basil, scallions).

On the first day of fall, we planted another round of beets, radishes, and turnips. We also planted kale, red choi, and gai lan. Our chinese veggies always get eaten up by worms before we can get to them. Hopefully they'll do better with row covers this time around.

How is your fall garden coming along? I'd love to hear what people are growing and harvesting this time of the year!

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