
Monday, June 10, 2013

bushwick collective

after visiting the writer's paradise at 5ptz yesterday, this morning mindy and i made a quick trip to bushwick in brooklyn to see more street art and graffiti.  5ptz is a do not miss place for people who love street art, because without the graffiti writers there would be no street art.  but i like images and narratives, and the bushwick collective brings in artists from all over the world to cover the streets of brooklyn.  it began raining off and on a bit, but that didn't stop us.  every corner we turned offered new stuff to discover.

icy and sot in the background

icy and sot
the yok and sheryo
frank duval
beau stanton
pixel pancho

stik on the water tower
alice...this is one of my favorites of all of them
icy and sot again

the work is scattered all over the city, which makes it a bit more fun and scavenger-y than 5ptz is.  there are a ton of pieces by iranian stencilers icy and sot.  a couple of great works from frenchman FKDL, a pixel pancho, a patch whisky, a beau stanton stained glass piece, hellbent and just a ton of others who i'm forgetting at the moment, or don't know of.  we also found work by 5ptz artists zimad and inkie.  there is so much to discover.  walk down jefferson st. and get lost was the idea we were going with, and that seemed pretty successful, as mindy and i spent the better part of the morning just wandering around looking at work and taking photos.  i know we didn't see a quarter of what was there, but we only had a bit of time and the rain was starting to come on a bit steadier.

we hopped the train back to manhattan, then met up with mindy's parents after their 20-some-odd hour flight from singapore.  a bite to eat, a bit of shopping for mindy and her mom, and afternoon naps for her dad and i.  a good day in the rain in NYC.  tomorrow we begin our road trip to maine.  look out lobsters here we come.

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