
Monday, June 3, 2013

A-muse-ing Cats

I have a kitty cat who loves to keep me company when I write. Who knew all these writers also had kitty pet pals?
clockwise from top left: Jack Kerouac, Truman Capote, Charles Bukowski, Sylvia Plath
clockwise from top left: Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Jorge Luis Borges, W.H. Auden, Ernst Hemingway
clockwise from top left: Hermann Hesse, William Carlos Williams, William Burroughs, Edward Gorey

**Update** One of Zach's favorite authors is Charles Bukowski. He told me Bukowski wrote often about his cats. I always enjoy reading Buk poems, so I did a little google search and found three. You can check them out if you like ...
-- cats and you and me
-- my cats
-- the history of one tough motherfucker

You can see more authors and their kitties here.

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