
Monday, April 1, 2013

opening day 2013

it's opening day! forget the groundhog, st. patrick, and the easter bunny, opening day is my spring holiday. i look forward to this day every year. when mindy woke up this morning i couldn't control my excitement, and i talked her into driving to cincy for opening day. just for the festivities, the parade, and the nostalgic americana glow of what is opening day. then we decided we'd look to see if there were any affordable tickets. there were not. but we bought tickets anyway. i'm so excited. i've never been to an opening day game. cueto v. weaver. reds v angels. i can't wait to boo the shit out of albert pujols and see the reds run out on the field to start the 2013 season. GOOOO RED LEGGSSSSS!!!

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