
Monday, October 29, 2012

growing garlic

So, in the midst of painting the mural and everything else that was happening last week, Zach tore up our dying garden and I planted a pound of garlic. I have been looking for something to plant this fall, and since we eat a lot of garlic, this seems like a good choice for us. I don't know really know what I'm doing though. I've tried reading about it online, but I have not read anything about what I should do with these new sprouts. Anyone have any idea?


  1. Hi Mindy, I just stick mine in the ground and leave it until the tops die off next year. Easy! Looks like yours are in boxes. Can you put them directly into the ground?

  2. thanks for the tip, Patricia! i appreciate it! we have a small patio garden so we've been container gardening all year! wish we had some land and dirt for a real vegetable garden!

  3. This should help:
