
Monday, July 23, 2012

I am a tomato plant hero!

I saved our tomato plants from this giant ugliness:

Zach wasn't home when I spotted it. I had texted him to come home to get it, but he was busy in the studio and told me I needed to deal with the "big m***** f*****" myself. There was no way I was going to pluck that thing off the plant. Just staring at it gave me the hibbie jibbies. I tried to distract myself with work but my mind kept finding its way back to the giant hornworm devouring my precious tomato plant. That's when I knew I had to do something.

I searched the house for a tool, something that would allow me to pick up the worm without actually touching it. Suddenly, it came to me -- the long-handled grabber Zach's mom had given me for Christmas 2 years ago! I've never used that thing before but it looks perfect for the job. It is long and sturdy and I won't ever have to get anywhere near the hornworm. So I grabbed the grabber and headed out bravely. I clamped on the worm and pulled. No good. The worm was too strong. I didn't want to squish it but it's forcing me to clamp even tighter and pull even harder. Ever played tug-of-war with a hornworm? That's what I was doing. And the whole time I was doing that, I was afraid the tomato branch would snap back and fling the worm onto me. Oh how I would die. But I persevered. And after what seemed like an eternal struggle in this unforgiving sun, the worm was in the gripper of the grabber. I win. I am a tomato plant hero!


  1. I wonder what you did with it next? not the kind of thing you want to squash :(

  2. Hi Patricia! I left the worm on the patio but it started crawling towards the tomato plants again! So I tossed it in an empty planter where it's just waiting to be dealt with. The birds can eat it if they want to ... Zach's not home yet (it's his job to dispose it!)!

  3. ** latest update ** zach is home. he surprised me by sparing the caterpillar's life. he flung it over the fence so we didn't have to look at it anymore! and then he found another 2 worms and calmly picked those off too. phew!

  4. Mindy, I find these regularly (after a few of them you will become a pro). I pluck them off and throw them into our pond. I gain great satisfaction watching the fish eat them.

  5. haha Janet! I'm not sure I dare to pick them off with my bare hands!

  6. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH I burst out laughing when I pictured the tomato branch swinging back and catapulting that huge vomit-inducing thing onto you. Not that it would have been funny but how our reactions would have been equally, completely out-of-this world drama mama. I applaude you for your effort! Your picture is enough to give me the hibbie jibbies!

  7. heeheehehe Gil, you make me laugh! :) I dreamt we (including Serena) went swimming at MBS last night. When we got out of the pool to put on our flip flops, they were child-size and looked like kid sandals! Wonder what that means?!!!
