
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Vie(w) of Bangkok

It's storming in Bangkok this afternoon and as i sit and write this there is a rainbow framing the city from edge to edge. It is quite magnificent to see. I woke up way to early this morning, so while mindy slept i sat in the window and drew the view from our hotel room at the 5-star Vie hotel.

We went for breakfast and the sky began looking like something looming, so mindy and I decided to skip the four-face Buddha shrine that her mother wanted to visit and instead hit up the Bangkok Art and Culture Center with intentions of going to the aquarium. Instead, we took a nap. We're both quite tired from the last 2 1/2 weeks of travel, wedding, and general rushing around and our hotel bed was a beacon of indulgent comfort for today.

After our nap we walked to Siam Square to see the art center, but there was only one show up as they were changing out all the others. Bummer, but oh well. As we walked toward the aquarium the thick humid diesel-fueled air had us wheezing so we again got side tracked at Loft in the aircon of Siam Discovery center. After shopping around for cute little notebooks and toys we decided to skip the aquarium and head back to the hotel and just as we got inside the skies opened up and the deluge began. It rained so hard that you could barely see the buildings across the street, but we watched from the comfort of an iced latte in the lounge. Tonight we'll go for more Thai food, probably another foot massage and then tomorrow we head back to Singapore.

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