
Monday, May 14, 2012

36 hours of flying...but we are in singapore

we arrived in singapore this morning at 7:30 after 36 hours and half a globe of travel from indy to chi to london and finally to singapore.  and mind you, this is my first trip out of the USofA, so those hours felt long and timeless.  but i got my very first passport stamp this morning as i crossed through customs.

after eating a bit of breakfast of eggs and kaya bread, mindy's dad drove us to their house along the scenic route.  WOW.  this city is quite amazing from a drive-passed glance.  in the same way that the first cab ride from laguardia into NYC is amazing.  we drove through rush hour 'traffic' (the civil engineering here is amazing in understanding the way people move) from the east of the island to the west.  we drove beneath trees with thick limbs weaving above the traffic through new housing construction in re-claimed land from the sea and suddenly the city scape really came into view.  buildings dressed in grey with multiple bright colors popping out in places.  we passed the new sands casino and the helix walking bridge (which we'll get to see later in our trip) and drove along the biggest container shipping port i've ever seen.  triangles everywhere, intersecting lines and shapes making a beautiful conglomerate out of the space.  and all of this is surrounded in the green and sudden tropic raindrops that plop more than drop.  the orchids and the encroaching jungle weave into the city like threads through concrete.  as we drove up to the condo i was relieved that i would finally get some sleep, as i didn't get any during our 36 travel hours. then the neighbor above is renovating with what seems like a jackhammer.  but this will hopefully help me avoid the jetlag.

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