
Sunday, February 12, 2012

new developments

soon we will be moving our studio out of the garage in west lafayette and basement in the house in portland and into a great new space in downtown lafayette...details to come in the next couple of weeks as we get moved in and set up and running...

...but because we are moving into a new space, i've had to go through a lot of old stuff and try to get rid of much of my collection of 'materials.'  so, the last couple of weeks, and the next couple of weeks will be spent prepping the new space and getting it ready-to-work in time to get new work made of the indiana artisan marketplace at the end of march.  

in cleaning out the garage this week i got rid of a lot of trash by putting together 9 new assemblage structures to paint, then started in on something new: T-shirts.

zach medler

zach medler

zach medler

zach medler

zach medler

(also, some onesies for Russel and Leia):

i've been making my own t-shirts for a few years now, and have done workshops with kids, but recently i decided to make them to sell.  in the past i've used spray paint and stencils on shirts, but while enamel paint works, it's not the best material for jersey cotton shirts.  so i've been using heat-set silkscreen ink and linoblocks, which is a lot more permanent, and doesn't smell like enamel paint.  its always difficult to know what images are most popular and sellable, so i'm trying to be more graphic and 'designy' with the overall print.  sure the image is still the focus, but the layout of the shirts are becoming more deconstructed and blocked out rather than clean isolated landscapes.  i'm trying to use elements from the landscapes to create graphics on the t-shirts instead of printing a landscape.

1 comment:

  1. I love the prints, specially the bicycle one...I'm fascinated when it comes to bicycle whether it's art or figure.
