
Thursday, January 19, 2012

on tap for spring

it's nearly a month into the new year and we've set up our first solo show of the season.  we always wonder what a new year will bring in the art world, because it's always such a crap-shoot.  you make something you pour your heart and soul into and you hope that people like it enough to buy it or at least be affected by it.  last year we had our most successful year in the art world, collecting several new solo shows and gallery representations, joining a co-op, doing well at a couple of well-respected art fairs, and continuing to spread ourselves out across the US and the world via and social media.  that's part of the reason we started the blog--to give people who haven't gotten to meet us, who enjoy our art, a taste of who we are and why we do what we do.  and when i say we, i mean my wife and i are really a team at this.  i make the aesthetic decisions, she markets the work online, and helps keep enough of me in line to make enough pieces that people are interested in buying beyond my consistantly peculiar combinations of images.   mindy is also my sounding board for ideas and bullshit.  i think most artists who are experimental the way i am need someone or something to help them sort through the bullshit, because that's what it is: a wild bullshit idea that needs to be whittled into something accessible and meaningful.  and mindy does that for me.  she listens to whatever spouts from my mouth and backs it up or tears it down with her vast knowledge of philosophy and art.  and through that process of verbal trial and error we sift through a lot of ideas and rearrangements of ideas to develop an accessible vision of something that more than likely started out only semi-sensical.

on tap this spring we have a couple of stops for 'county fair' (one currently at elizabethtown) and i'd like to find one or 2 more yet.  i may perhaps "create" one or 2 more simply by setting up on a street corner somewhere.  i am painting a mural in downtown lafayette with a group of high school kids as part of the free-for-kids After School Arts Program at Tippecanoe Arts Federation.  we'll be painting the side of the building that houses Artists' Own, the local co-op i am a member of.  We will be participating in the Indiana Artisan Marketplace at the end of march.  and the main objective of the spring is to move the studio from portland, IN to lafayette, IN.

a portion of 'sprawl' is headed to mudfire studio in atl for a show this spring

mindy and i have been living in 2 houses on opposite sides of indiana for the past 2 years.  we've been driving back and forth and back and forth, and decided that we've had enough of it.  so we decided to open a studio space in lafayette.  we haven't found a suitable space just yet, but have a couple of leads, and are hoping to have it set up in the next month or so.  it will certainly be a challenge to complete everything by the spring and summer rush of fairs, shows, and schmoozings, but i think we can do it.  but for now, we're off to NYC to play and research and eat.  stay tuned kiddos....

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