
Thursday, December 22, 2011

winter solstice

Even though it feels unseasonably warm out, today marks the first day of winter. The sun will set at 5:24pm and we will endure the longest night of the year. I'm glad it's finally winter, my favorite season.

In other related news, there's only three more days to Christmas ...
... do you know you can track Santa with Google Earth? Check it out here.

... want the perfect song for the winter season?

... how about the perfect cat & Christmas video?

... Christmas around the globe.

... we've been watching (and enjoying) Jimmy Fallon's 12 Days of Christmas sweaters. Here's a pretty awesome list of outrageous Christmas sweaters.

... I did this!!!

... a "letter blocks say what?"-inspired treasury on Etsy

... Winter solstice Winter Fields print can be purchased here.

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