
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Looking forward.

Happy New Year's eve. 2016 sure flew by fast for us, and almost everyone we've talked to feels the same. How are you feeling? What surprised you this year? What inspired you? What have you accomplished? What about those resolutions you made at the start of the year? What are you looking forward to in the new year?

2017 is a blank slate, a chance to start afresh, and an opportunity to carry on all that was wonderful in 2016. As much as I am dreading January 20th, the new president and his administration of bigots, I still have hope. My hope is that human decency will win out, that we will choose respect, tolerance, courtesy, and consideration for our neighbors over hate and animosity. I pray we will have the courage to stand up for those who are different and people whose rights have been compromised, oppressed, or threatened. I am scared, but my fear compels me to raise an even more compassionate and sensitive child. She is my hope. She is our future.


  1. I hope that all is well.

    Definitely miss your posts on the garden, art, and recipes.

    Take care.


  2. Hi Matt,

    thank you so much for writing. We are all doing fine and hope to get back to updating this space soon. Your kind note means a lot to us. If you want to, you can find us both on Instagram: @zmedstudios and @letterblocks
    Thank you again!
