
Friday, May 27, 2016


A fun new piece by Zach:

Friday, May 20, 2016

Gallery Walk Tonight

The first Gallery Walk of the 2016 season is tonight! If you're out and about, please stop by ZMEDstudios on N. 6th Street, just around the corner from McCords' Candies.

We have a sale planned just for it. We are in the midst of a move and are in a mood to purge. So Zach is hosting a very special Name-Your-Price sale. If you've had your eye on a piece, just come in and make an offer! Or, even if you're not in the mood to buy, stop in anyway just to say hi!

We'd love to see you!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Our Legendary Cat

It's becoming a tradition to have Zach include our cat in his public art pieces. Here he is, in the alley by the Lahr apartments. He is looking pretty magnificent.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Alleypalooza in the News!

I asked Zach why Alleypalooza didn't come with an exclamation point at the end. It should have been "Alleypalooza!" just so it could better convey the fun and excitement of the event.

But either way you read/see it, Alleypalooza was in the J&C yesterday. In case you missed it:

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

2 Pieces for Alleypalooza

Zach has been updating famous art historical paintings for a while now. For Alleypalooza, he painted Rembrandt's Night Watch, and Klimt's Woman in Gold.

zach medler

street art lafayette indiana

He'll be adding more pieces to the walls this Saturday, so we hope you'll plan on stopping by!

p.s. for more information on Alleypalooza, go here.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Prepping for Alleypalooza

This event has been in the planning for more than two years, and it's finally happening! Alleypalooza is next Saturday!

This street art event will take place downtown, in the alley at 519 Main Street. The two walls will feature works by eight artists. On Saturday (5/14), the public is invited to participate by painting on a community wall. The Lafayette Symphony, local music, and food trucks will also be there, so if you live in the area, we hope you'll come!

Zach worked long hours this week the last couple of days prepping, painting, and coordinating artists' schedules. He will put up his pieces next week. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lavenders, Lilies, and a 'Lil Dude

There is quite a bit of work to be done at the new house before we move. This week, I started painting the kitchen, and Zach did a little bit of landscaping ... 

He laid out a sweet little patio out back and planted five lavenders and some lilies of the valley.  

He also found this tiny dude in a pile of dirt. He's cute. We're keeping him.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Go Vote!

It's no secret who we are rooting for ...