
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hooks and Needles

My midwife encouraged me to knit/crochet in my third trimester when I was struggling to keep my blood pressure in check. She said it is a good way to quiet the mind and have something productive to do while on bedrest. But I could never do it. I was too anxious to sit still. Now that a large part of my day involves caring for a screaming, crying infant, I NEED to relax. So I've dug out the good old hooks and needles once more. 

When the baby starts to fuss, I stick her in the wrap and it soothes her in minutes. That thing works like magic! And when she calms down enough to take a nap, I curl into my plush recliner (with her still in the wrap!) and go to work. Baby items are the perfect small projects! I choose the ones that are quick, easy, and monotonous. I started off knitting, but those long needles were a little cumbersome to maneuver. I kept hitting the baby in the head with them and she was not happy. So after working on 3 little hats, I decided that crocheting was the way to go. 

work in progress ... something pastel for Easter!

So far, I've completed 6 projects and I am obsessed. I dream about yarn. I skipped a birthday party so I could stay home alone to crochet. I look for patterns on my phone when I am feeding the baby in the middle of the night. I can't wait to do more! I know it sounds crazy, but hey, at least the babe will have warm and toasty outfits for next winter, right?

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