
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Small Spaces: Layers, or, Be More Human[e]

This week I replaced one of the controversial works from small spaces.  It was time as the previous paste up was peeling and molded.

After speaking with building owners and city officials about subject matter, what came out was an abstraction built on layers of patterns. I like the idea of fractured and and reassembled ideas and this space was ideal since it was a slatted window space. I included cropped language and a stencil of eyes that both look at and pass the viewer. The cropped language reads 'be more humane' and 'original.'

This piece is about accepting humans as layered, fractured and reassembled beings, and humanity as something that is derived from all of these parts. The call is for all people to be treated with respect and dignity no matter their place in the world. We can never know what someone is going through, but we can be empathetic to their situation. I'd like to think of my work in this vein as social abstraction. Anyone can read what they want into it but for me it's simply about being more human[e].

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