
Saturday, April 4, 2015

hooray from the Kessler kids!

On Friday, I got to go celebrate with my friend Corrinne and her two little kiddos. They made me the best congratulatory cards,

and bought me a beautiful begonia for the garden.

Corrinne has been one of my best cheerleaders during my extra long grad school career. Having been through the process of writing a dissertation herself, she has generously shared her wisdom and experiences with me. She has faithfully upheld me in prayers. On the days where I felt buried in despair, she encouraged me to take baby steps and "eat" my problems away, one bite at a time. She is gentle, non-judgemental, and ever so kind to me. Thank you, Corrinne, and thank you too for those awesome kiddos who never fail to make me feel like a rockstar!

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