
Friday, January 16, 2015

from the studio: 1.16.15

i've been working through a new project this week.  after reorganizing our bookshelf, i realized that there is something interesting about flipping through the images in an art book, that does not translate the same as flipping through images on instagram.  i spent as much time flipping through the pages as i spent reorganizing the stacks.  that inspired me to want to make books.  so i'm dipping my toes into the punk pond of the 'zine, and producing a limited edition collection of prints, poems, and philosophies.  here's a few pictures from my sketchbook and studio to give you a hint as to the subject matter.  stay tuned for the finished product!

how does the smart phone effect the ego/self paradigm?
cell phone.  that's some thick irony.
a few notes in my sketchbook about the selfie-driven identity crisis
a poem and a few more notes on distraction.
updated classic.  narcissus taking a selfie...after caravaggio.  always a favorite painting, and subject matter.  the story of narcissus is great and when you put a smart phone into the equation is has ripple effects into the understanding of identity and vanity.
a bunch of images i made to be stickers, but many will apply to this zine as well.

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