
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Small Spaces: 5 Questions with Jenna Robinson

We are so happy to have Jenna Robinson participate in our "5 Questions" series. Jenna was a late addition to the Small Spaces project, but her piece, on the fence behind DT Kirby's, is one of the most well-loved. Have you seen it yet?

jenna robinson

jenna robinson
(photos by Jenna Robinson, via Instagram)

Here are Jenna's answers!

1. What is your background in art?

I have always loved drawing, painting, and crafting. I was one of the only kids in elementary school who actually liked going to art class. I took several photography and art classes in high school and college, even getting an Art & Design minor while at Purdue. Even though I was a techie in school, I would still consider myself more of an artist than anything.

2. What is your (brief) definition of street art?

I think I’d be with the majority in saying street art is a collaborative effort of putting works in underappreciated or unacknowledged areas of town. It’s so fun to give life to a dead space.

3. Who are your influences and inspiration?

For this particular project: Warhol/pop art and my roommate’s cat.

4. How do you think Small Spaces contributes to the art scene in Lafayette?

I think it did a brilliant job of giving freedom to artists. Small Spaces gave people the
opportunity to say something through art to a new audience.

5. Where (online or otherwise) can we view more of your work?

I don’t really have an online art portfolio, but I post some art on my Instagram (@hello_jrob) and my photography portfolio is online at

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