
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

small spaces: becoming place becoming human

zach medler zmed

yesterday i finished up the wall behind Klumpe Upholstery on ferry st.  earlier in july, i had collaborated with Dr. Goh to create the river from a drain pipe piece on the east side of the wall.

zach medler

on monday, i began working on the west side of the wall.  after a few hours of getting started, the dark clouds came rolling in, and cut the day short.  so i went out in the morning to finish up.


this piece is a giant collage on the wall.  i pasted up the trees that were hanging in the window at artists' own the past winter, with a few alterations.


mindy medler

i added in a some paper doilies that mindy and i cut in the studio one afternoon.  and cut apart of couple of my spray paint sketches to paste as well.  i layered together some stenciled patterns, and freehand painted in all the in other imagery, like the deer, bird, eyes, and face in profile.  all of these elements are collaged together to create a really fun mishmash of ideas and techniques.

zach medler

small spaces lafayette

there can be a lot of meanings read into this piece, and that's always part of the point, but for me it was about mixing techniques, and images that represent a midwestern aesthetic.  it is a landscape and a portrait at the same time, each becoming the other, depending on how you look at it.  but i wanted to try to capture a sense of how we are so connected place that we become it, and it becomes us.

street art indiana

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