
Friday, July 18, 2014

{Five for Friday} 5 Summer Projects

Zach was busy as a bee the three weeks I was in Singapore.

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He painted a bunch of junk (but still functional) pianos for a city-wide project,

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and also painted Patches the Dare Bear, one of two ambassador bears designed to promote Bears oh my! a project by the art museum of Greater Lafayette which will fill the streets of Lafayette and West Lafayette with roaming bears next summer. 

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Zach also kicked off Small Spaces by painting the title on the side of Bernadette's Barbershop on 219 Main Street,

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and painted the interiors of Main Street Amusements and Star City Coffee and Ale House.

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Finally, Zach taught a mural class to kids ranging from age 8 through 18. They are currently working to finish up their enormous mural on the side of the Bauer Community Center!

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