
Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I had the most delicious teetotaler when we dined at Woodberry Kitchen for Zach's birthday last month. Actually, I had two -- a blackberry one with my dinner, and a peachy one for dessert. So delicious! So yummy they've left me craving for more.

So, in true creative form, Zach has been making me teetotalers! This first one was orange dreamsicle-inspired, with juice from a handful of clementines, fresh mint, coconut water, and chia seeds.

And the one last night, was blueberries, lime juice, coconut water, maple syrup, and tarragon.

I can't wait till we get some club soda to make more! We are growing our own herbs and berries, so we should have plenty of flavors to play with this summer!

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