
Friday, November 1, 2013

mural at 3rd and romig

on wednesday my class met to get some work in on the mural.  the only problem was that the weather was not cooperative.  so while the kids put the paint on the wall, the rain decided to wash it all away.  so all that's left is a spray paint outline and some color stain.

either way, this mural needs to be complete next week.  so today, with a scissors lift, primer, paint, and spray cans, i set to work.  the weather was a bit chilly, but the wall was dry, and that's all that matters at this point.  i felt like i accomplished a lot but when i got down off the lift, i realized i hadn't gotten very far.  hopefully the weather will cooperate the rest of the weekend and i'll be able to finish it before the scheduled unveiling next wednesday.

this is a little less than 1/4 of the wall.  i see some things in here that i need to clean up, but it is coming along, and good weather this weekend should make for a lot of progress.

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