
Sunday, October 6, 2013


Happy Sunday, blog readers!

I arrived in Chicago on Friday morning after a 21 hour flight. Jet-lagged and exhausted, I was in bed by  7:30pm that night. I could barely keep my eyes open! Yesterday, I kept busy while Zach worked at Artists' Own. We went to a wedding in the evening, and were home and in bed by 9. Most people think jet-lag is just about a messed up sleep pattern. The truth is, jet-lag also makes you hungry at the oddest times. Our refrigerator is empty and I am too lazy to go to the store but thank goodness my mom and dad packed me 2 large suitcases full of sweets, treats, and other goodies.

I had an awesome ten days at home and will share more pictures from my trip next week. For the rest of today, I'm just going to enjoy the rain and gloom outside wrapped up in the warmth and comfort of my pajamas :)

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