
Thursday, August 15, 2013

flower stamps

The calendulas are blooming profusely in our garden, which is a good thing because I'm harvesting petals to make a salve for my nephew Asher.

letter blocks say what

letter blocks say what

letter blocks say what

Calendulas, also known as pot marigolds, are a fun new addition to our garden this year. They are cheery looking, and they help ward off tomato hornworms, cabbage worms, and a variety of beetles.  You can also eat the flowers, or use the dried petals in place of saffron to color (not flavor) things like rice and butter.

letter blocks say what

I love our calendulas so much I asked Zach to cut me some calendula rubber stamps.

zach medler linocut

And then he surprised me by making some other stamps too, inspired by our wildflower patch. So here's my new collection of custom-made flower stamps. I can't wait to use them!

letter blocks say what

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