
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

new england sketchbook: rockland and acadia national park

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the breakwater pier outside of rockland.  this pier was about 1k of granite blocks reaching out into the bay.    

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there were 3 windmills spinning on the distant shore.  i of course had to include them.  this pier was surrounded by lobster traps too, and people out fishing for mackerel.

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a sailboat off the end of the pier in rockland.  makes me miss sailing with my favorite college prof and mentor, dan engelke.  it's been a while since i last saw him, but we nearly always took his flying scot out for a spin around green bay when we visiting northern door county wisconsin.

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my favorite spot on the trip.  the peak of acadia mountain.  i came to the park alone to climb this trail.  it was a tough climb and a tougher climb down.  then i decided to climb st. saveour mountain too.  i was exhausted after this hike.  there was no one up there when i got there, and i climbed out on the edge of the granite rock cliff and sketched this image of the cove leading out into the atlantic ocean.  it was inspiringly beautiful to just hear the quiet, save for the tiny boat entering the cove.

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